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Code Generator (DAL)

December 24, 2018 11:18

Code Generator (edit)

Screenshot - Diagram.jpg



C# DAL Method Code Generator



Sample Image - maximum width is 600 pixels

Sample Image - maximum width is 600 pixels

Code Generator for .Net and SQL Server


Working with Word template in C#


Multi Threading



Alternative to Lightswitch


Radzen is a rapid application development solution for Angular. Create responsive apps via drag and drop and connect them to REST APIs SQL databases.



A Full Stack Enterprise Java Framework with lots of out of the box functionality and amazing tooling to manage the project.


Lightswitch seems to be a good solution but the HTML UI is very poor, and Silverlight is limiting.

I am looking in general for a good rapid framework in .NET to create a mid-size CRM (data centric application).

Must Have:

  • Custom entities with many to one relations
  • Custom fields (text, combo, relation picker, date)
  • File uploads
  • Custom views for each entity with custom query
  • User management (roles & permissions)
  • HTML on the client side (not Flash or Silverlight)

Nice to have:

  • My custom fields
  • Reporting
  • Custom view per user role / user group / user
  • Multi device HTML client
  • Custom workflow

There are 2 solution that I know which are similar, but:


Here are some free alternatives to LightSwitch:

My Code Generator

March 14, 2018 13:17



Code Generator

January 25, 2018 11:26

.NET Code Generator

  • T4 Text Templates
  • Code Trigger

T4 Text Templates

Design-time T4 text templates let you generate program code and other files in your Visual Studio project

Code Trigger


Review Code Trigger


As a project manager one would think of following things:

a- Setup code base.
b- Graphics Design Resources availability.
c- Design and architecture.
d- Meeting deadlines.

As a developer I would think of following:

a- Which design pattern to follow.
b- 4 entities. Each entitiy should provide atleast basic CRUD (Create, read, Update and Delete) operations in Data Access Layer.
c- Performance of code
d- Bug free code
e- Web Service Layer
f- Dependency Injection in code? Ninject, Unity, Autofac?
g- Repository Pattern.
h- Writing the access layer.

For a medium to large scale project i must say CodeTrigger is the best code generator tool ever.

Best Features:

a- Clean & quality code
b- Bug free code
c- Performance
d- Easily manage changes during sprints, one click and you get your code changes
e- Visual Studio integration
f- Nice Criteria query API
g- Nice Repository pattern implementation
h- Generate SQL Stored procedures.
i- Support for logging
j- Exception handling support
k- Unit of work pattern
l- Dependency injection pattern using either Unity or ninject
m- Generates interface definitions.


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