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Vu Lan 2018

September 6, 2018 22:35

Ơn Nghĩa Sinh Thành (edit)

Beginning SOLID Principles and Design Patterns for ASP.NET Developers






  • Overview of SOLID Principles and Design Patterns
  • SOLID Principles
  • Creational Patterns: Singleton, Factory Method, and Prototype
  • Creational Patterns: Abstract Factory and Builder
  • Structural Patterns: Adapter, Bridge, Composite, and Decorator
  • Structural Patterns: Façade, Flyweight, and Proxy
  • Behavioral Patterns: Chain of Responsibility, Command, Interpreter, and Iterator
  • Behavioral Patterns: Mediator, Memento, and Observer
  • Behavioral Patterns: State, Strategy, Template Method, and Visitor
  • Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture: Repository, Unit of Work, Lazy Load, and Service Layer
  • JavaScript Code-Organization Techniques and Patterns

SOLID Principlesfor Cloud Native Applications


OOP: Classes and Objects, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Abstract Classes and Interfaces, Polymorphism, Polymorphic Behavior Through Inheritance, Polymorphic Behavior Through Interfaces

1) SOLID Principles and Design Patterns

+ Single Responsibility Principle
+ Open/Closed Principle
+ Liskov Substitution Principle
+ Interface Segregation Principle
+ Dependency Inversion Principle

2) Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns
+ Creational patterns
+ Structural patterns
+ Behavioral patterns 

3) Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (P of EAA)
Categorization of P of EAA:
+ Domain-logic patterns 
+ Data-source architectural patterns
+ Object-relational behavioral patterns
+ Object-relational structural patterns
+ Object-relational metadata-mapping patterns
+ Web presentation patterns
+ Distribution patterns
+ Offline concurrency patterns
+ Session-state patterns
+ Base patterns 

4) JavaScript patterns

+ System.IO: GZipStream in .NET Framework using the Decorator design pattern.
+ System.Convert.ToInt32("123") using the Factory pattern.
+ The foreach loop of C# that iterates through a collection is an example of the Iterator pattern.
+ The Entity Framework implements the Repository and Unit of Work patterns.

Lazy Initialization: System.Lazy

There are four lifetime modes for a service being injected:
+ Singleton: An object of a service is created and supplied to all the requests to that service. So, basically all requests get the same object to work with.
+ Scoped: An object of a service is created for each and every request. So, each request gets its a new instance of a service to work with.
+ Transient: An object of a service is created every time an object is requested.
+ Instance: In this case you are responsible for creating an object of a service. The DI framework then uses that instance in the singleton mode mentioned earlier. 

P of EAA: four important patterns: repository, unit of work, lazy load, and service layer.

JavaScript: object literal, function object, prototype, and IIFE

1) Create an Object via Object literals:

 var employee = {  
      "employeeID": 1,  
      "firstName": "Nancy",  
      "lastName": "Davolio",  
      "display": function () {  
          alert("#" + this.employeeID +  
                " - " + this.firstName +  
                " " + this.lastName);  
 var employee = {}; 
 employee.employeeID = 1; 
 employee.firstName = "Nancy"; 
 employee.lastName = "Davolio"; 
 employee.display = function () { 
      alert("#" + this.employeeID + 
            " - " + this.firstName + 
            " " + this.lastName); 

2) Create an Object via Function objects:
 var employee = function () {  
      this.employeeID = 0;  
      this.firstName = "";  
      this.lastName = "";  
      this.display = function () {  
          alert("#" + this.employeeID +  
                " - " + this.firstName +  
                " " + this.lastName);  
 var emp = new employee(); 
 emp.employeeID = 1; 
 emp.firstName = "Nancy"; 
 emp.lastName = "Davolio"; 

Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE):
 (function () {  
      alert("Hello World!");  

jQuery Plugin and IIFE 
(function ($) {  
      $.fn.decorate = function (settings) {  
          //plugin code here  

JavaScript patterns 

+ Namespace Pattern
+ Module Pattern
+ Revealing Module Pattern
+ Sandbox Pattern

GoF patterns:
+ Singleton pattern (creational)
+ Façade pattern (structural)
+ Observer pattern (behavioral)     

Singleton in JavaScript: Way 1
var ThemeSettings = function () {  
     var instance = this; 
     this.colorTheme = "Office"; 
     this.fontTheme = "Modern"; 
     this.layoutTheme = "SideBySide"; 
     ThemeSettings = function () {  
          return instance;  

 var settings1 = new ThemeSettings(); 
 var settings2 = new ThemeSettings(); 
 alert("Is ThemeSettings instance same? " + (settings1 === settings2)); 
 settings2.colorTheme = "Nature";
 alert("settings1.colorTheme is " + settings1.colorTheme); 

Singleton in JavaScript: Way 2
var ThemeSettings = (function () {  
      var instance;
      function createInstance() {  
          var settings = new Object();  
          settings.colorTheme = "Office";  
          settings.fontTheme = "Modern"; 
          settings.layoutTheme = "SideBySide"; 
          return settings; 
     return {
          getInstance: function () {  
              if (!instance) {  
                  instance = createInstance();
              return instance;

Façade pattern
 var AddressDetails = function () {  
      this.validate = function () {  
          //complex code here  
          return true;  
 var BankDetails = function () {  
      this.validate = function () {  
          //complex code here  
          return true;  
 var EmploymentDetails = function () {  
      this.validate = function () {  
          //complex code here  
          return true;  
 var OrderProcessor = function () {  
    //constructor code here
 OrderProcessor.prototype.validateDetails = function () { 
      var addresss = new AddressDetails();  
      var bank = new BankDetails();  
      var employment = new EmploymentDetails();  
      var result = true; 
     if (!addresss.validate()) {  
          result = false;  
      } else if (!bank.validate()) {  
          result = false;  
      } else if (!employment.validate()) {  
          result = false;  
      return result; 
 var app = new OrderProcessor(); 
 var status = app.validateDetails(); 
 alert("Are details valid? " + status); 

Observer Pattern 
 function BlogComment() {  
      this.observers = [];  
 BlogComment.prototype = { 
     subscribe: function (fn) { 
     unsubscribe: function (fn) { 
          this.observers = this.handlers.filter( 
              function (item) { 
                  if (item !== fn) { 
                      return item; 
     broadcast: function (data) {  
          this.observers.forEach(function (item) {  
              item.call(null, data);  


<textarea cols="40" rows="4" id="text1"></textarea>
<br />
<div id="div1"></div>
<div id="div2"></div>


 $(document).ready(function () {  
      var Subscriber1 = function (data) {  
      var Subscriber2 = function (data) {  
          $("#div2").html("<h4>Count : " + data.length + "</h4>");
      var comment = new BlogComment();  
 $("#text1").keyup(function () {  

+ Model-View-Controller (MVC)
+ Model-View-View Model (MVVM)
+ Model-View-Whatever (MVW)       


MVC Pattern
MVP Pattern

Provider Pattern
Adapter Pattern

Service Agent Pattern
Proxy Pattern
Broker Pattern

Repository Pattern
Singleton Pattern

ASP.NET and the Provider Pattern
ASP.NET and the Adapter Pattern

Implementing the Repository Pattern
Implementing the Singleton Pattern

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Code and Resources For Our Books





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