12 Most Influential Books Every Software Engineer Needs to Read
Discover the timeless techniques and strategies that help you:
- Design for minimum complexity and maximum creativity
- Reap the benefits of collaborative development
- Apply defensive programming techniques to reduce and flush out errors
- Exploit opportunities to refactor—or evolve—code, and do it safely
- Use construction practices that are right-weight for your project
- Debug problems quickly and effectively
- Resolve critical construction issues early and correctly
- Build quality into the beginning, middle, and end of your project
1. Code Complete 2
2. Pragmatic Programmer
3. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
4. Introduction to Algorithms
5. Clean Code
6. Refactoring
7. The Art of Computer Programming
8. CODE: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
9. Programming Pearls (2nd Edition)
10. Design Patterns
11. The Mythical Man-Month
12. Working Effectively with Legacy Code