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Microsoft Technology Stack

July 27, 2017 10:29


Since its early years, Microsoft has generated impressive revenues from selling boxed software. The one-off sales approach has been a tremendous success for the company. But times and markets are changing. Today, the seemingly unstoppable spread of computing-enabled devices (like tablets, smartphone, and IoT devices) has changed the game in a fundamental way. The changes are significant in both enterprise and consumer worlds and they are forcing Microsoft to transform. At the core of this transformation is the move from a purely transactional software company to one the sells devices and services. By any means, this is a massive transformation.

Not only Microsoft is transforming, but it is also heavily innovating in a large number of areas. Building on the significant strength it has in the enterprise, Microsoft is currently reshaping almost entirely its technology stack. As it is the case with every change, there are lots of difficult problems to solve but there are also huge opportunities.

Since the late 90s we have been using the Microsoft technology stack to deliver complex solutions to our customers. We have more than 15 years of experience using all its major components. Even more than that, it’s in our company DNA to be an early adopter and use the latest available technologies to deliver value to our customers.

The diagram below depicts a very high level image of the current state of the Microsoft Technology Stack. If you feel a bit confused, don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Its complexity reflects the profound changes Microsoft is going through these years. Despite this complexity, we believe it is one of the best (if not the best) technology stacks available in the IT industry. It is certainly the most complete and integrated one. This is the reason why we are constantly investing in technical readiness and we are proud to be ranked among the top partners in Romania and CEE when it comes to deep knowledge about all the major aspects of the Microsoft Technology Stack.

So, if you're looking for a partner to help you with anything related to the Microsoft Technology Stack (from high-level strategy down to individual projects), you're in the right place.

Microsoft Technology Stack

Microsoft technology stack primarily includes:

  • The .NET Framework is the basis for all of our development. We use C# as the preferred language, but we are capable of meeting our client’s needs for any of the .NET languages.
  • ASP dot NET MVC and HTML5 is the technology we prefer for rapid web application development.
  • Window Presentation Foundation (WPF) is our preferred technology for Windows-based smart client applications.
  • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is what we use to implement tiered service-oriented applications.
  • SQL Server and SQL Server Reporting Services is the database technology we have used for many business applications. We also have large scale success with Oracle and DB2 implementations.
  • SharePoint is the collaboration tool we often use for enterprise integration.


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