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Web Application Project Template

September 25, 2021 21:01

Web Application Project Template (edit)

The Top 160 Mediatr Open Source Projects on Github (awesomeopensource.com)

melihkaratekin/Full-Stack-Rent-A-Car-System - Giters

gtechsltn/Full-Stack-Rent-A-Car-System: It is Rent A Car System project developed as Full Stack using C# and Angular. (github.com)

gtechsltn/Static-and-Dynamic-Huffman-Algorithm-CSharp: File compression program using Static and Dynamic Huffman Algorithms with C# programming language. (github.com)

gtechsltn/Blog.Service.BlogApi (github.com)

gtechsltn/work-day: Time Management App using ASP.NET Web API 2, Angular and MediatR (CQRS) (github.com)

CQRS + MediatR + Autofac + Web API 2: C# - 使用CQRS处理介体管道中的错误/异常? (docway.net)

CQRS Pattern Using MediatR In .NET 5 (c-sharpcorner.com)





Single Page App Project Templates (servicestack.net)

1) A template for .NET Framework based web application with React JS and Typescript

gtechsltn/AspDotNetMvcReact17Webpack5Template: asp.net mvc (.net framework 4.x.x) with React 17 and Webpack 5 (github.com)

gtechsltn/dotNetFramework4.x.x-ReactJS-template: A well-integrated React JS template for ASP.NET MVC/Web API (.Net Framework 4.x.x). Template inject bundled files directly into the _Layout.cshtml. (github.com)

gtechsltn/dotNetFramework4.x.x-ReactJS-template: A well-integrated React JS template for ASP.NET MVC/Web API (.Net Framework 4.x.x). Template inject bundled files directly into the _Layout.cshtml. (github.com)

gtechsltn/ReactJSDotNetFramework_TypeScript (github.com)

=> React JS with Typescript template

A template for .NET Framework based web application with Angular and Typescript

Angular Front End Construction for ASP.NET Web API (codemag.com)

2) Code First Migrations - EF6 | Microsoft Docs

Code First Migrations - EF6 | Microsoft Docs

=> Automatically Upgrading on Application Startup

ASP.NET Web API 2 with OWIN Template - @manhng

3) Web Application Project Template

Releases · drwatson1/AspNet-WebApi (github.com)

ASP.NET MVC 5 Web API 2 Application Project Template

Token Based Authentication using ASP.NET Web API 2, Owin, and Identity - Bit of Technology

Angular Front End Construction for ASP.NET Web API (codemag.com) (AngularJS)

ASP.NET Web API 2 in MVC 5 Using C# with Example - Codingvila

ASP.Net MVC Web API Tutorial with example (aspsnippets.com)

RickStrahl/CodePaste.NET: CodePaste.NET site code (github.com)

4) ASP.Net WebAPI Application Project Template - Visual Studio Marketplace

  • CORS enabled
  • Preconfigured HTTP OPTIONS handler
  • Cache-Control header preconfigured
  • Autofac as a DI-container
  • Content formatter configured to use Json.Net
  • AutoMapper
  • Unhandled exceptions handler
  • Unhandled exceptions logger
  • Serilog as a default logger preconfigured to save logs to %AppData%/Logs folder
  • Swagger for API documentation
  • JWT-Bearer authentication to protect your API with IdentityModel
  • Ability to use environment variables in configuration options (web.config)
  • Support .env files to easy switching between different environments (DotNetEnv)
  • ... and some other boilerplate code

5) Build a CRUD App with ASP.NET Framework 4.x Web API and Angular | Okta Developer

6) Run Single Page Applications (SPA) Template using AngularJS, Web API, Owin Token Based Authentication and Mediator Design Pattern | Ahmet AYDIN (ahmet-aydin.net)

  • Single Page Application
  • AngularJS
  • ASP.NET Web API 2
  • Entity Framework 6
  • Mediator Design Pattern
  • Owin Token Based Authentication
  • Automapper
  • Bootstrap 3
  • Simple Injector Dependency Injection (DI)
  • 3rd part libraries
  • T4 Templates
  • Microsoft Sql Server Express

Web Form Web Api Application Project Template - Visual Studio Marketplace

  • Visual Studio 2012
  • ASP.NET Web Form

Empty ASP.NET Web API Project Template - Visual Studio Marketplace

  • Visual Studio 2012
  • Project template for ASP.NET Web API

A much emptier project template for ASP.NET Web API

gtechsltn/EmptyWebApiProjectTemplate: A much emptier project template for ASP.NET Web API. (github.com)

Creating an ASP.NET Web API from a Visual Studio .NET Framework Empty Project Template.

gtechsltn/EmptyProjectToWebApi: Creating an ASP.NET Web API from a Visual Studio .NET Framework Empty Project Template. (github.com)


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