Half Width to Full Width Katakana (edit)
C#: Getting size of a value-type variable at runtime? - Stack Overflow
System.Int32 x = 0;
c# - How to get string's byte length? - Stack Overflow
string a1 = "タマヒヨ";
string a2 = "ラクテンシテン";
System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(932).GetByteCount(a1); //Shift JIS
System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(932).GetByteCount(a2); //Shift JIS
What is half-width katakana? (sljfaq.org)
SHIFT JIS và Rank MS932 (viblo.asia)
Chuyện encoding tiếng Nhật và format khi export CSV trong PHP với fputcsv | Cùi Bắp (cuibap.xyz)
java - String encoding - Shift_JIS / UTF-8 - Stack Overflow
asp.net - Check if a string is half width or full width in C# - Stack Overflow
ikayzo/mojinizer: A gem for converting between hiragana, katakana, and romaji. (github.com)
Thao tác với các kiểu dữ liệu là tiếng nhật (viblo.asia)
Một số loại Regex cho tiếng Nhật thường sử dụng (viblo.asia)
Half Width to Full Width Katakana, FullWidth Ascii to HalfWidth (github.com)
Unicode and .NET (csharpindepth.com)
gekka/CheckJapaneseCharacterWidth (github.com)
Shift JIS
System.Text.Encoding ShiftJisEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(932);
System.Text.StringBuilder stringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filePath, ShiftJisEncoding));
Half-width & Full-width Kana
# Half-width Katakana => Full-width Katakana "ア" => "ア" "イ" => "イ" "ウ" => "ウ" "エ" => "エ" "オ" => "オ" "カ" => "カ" "キ" => "キ" "ク" => "ク" "ケ" => "ケ" "コ" => "コ" "サ" => "サ" "シ" => "シ" "ス" => "ス" "セ" => "セ" "ソ" => "ソ" "タ" => "タ" "チ" => "チ" "ツ" => "ツ" "テ" => "テ" "ト" => "ト" "ナ" => "ナ" "ニ" => "ニ" "ヌ" => "ヌ" "ネ" => "ネ" "ノ" => "ノ" "ハ" => "ハ" "ヒ" => "ヒ" "フ" => "フ" "ヘ" => "ヘ" "ホ" => "ホ" "マ" => "マ" "ミ" => "ミ" "ム" => "ム" "メ" => "メ" "モ" => "モ" "ヤ" => "ヤ" "ユ" => "ユ" "ヨ" => "ヨ" "ラ" => "ラ" "リ" => "リ" "ル" => "ル" "レ" => "レ" "ロ" => "ロ" "ワ" => "ワ" "ヲ" => "ヲ" "ン" => "ン" "ッ" => "ッ" "ァ" => "ァ" "ィ" => "ィ" "ゥ" => "ゥ" "ェ" => "ェ" "ォ" => "ォ" "ャ" => "ャ" "ュ" => "ュ" "ョ" => "ョ" "゙" => "゙" "゚" => "゚" "ー" => "ー" # Full-width alpha-numeric => Half-width alpha-numeric "0" => "0" "1" => "1" "2" => "2" "3" => "3" "4" => "4" "5" => "5" "6" => "6" "7" => "7" "8" => "8" "9" => "9" "A" => "A" "B" => "B" "C" => "C" "D" => "D" "E" => "E" "F" => "F" "G" => "G" "H" => "H" "I" => "I" "J" => "J" "K" => "K" "L" => "L" "M" => "M" "N" => "N" "O" => "O" "P" => "P" "Q" => "Q" "R" => "R" "S" => "S" "T" => "T" "U" => "U" "V" => "V" "W" => "W" "X" => "X" "Y" => "Y" "Z" => "Z" "a" => "a" "b" => "b" "c" => "c" "d" => "d" "e" => "e" "f" => "f" "g" => "g" "h" => "h" "i" => "i" "j" => "j" "k" => "k" "l" => "l" "m" => "m" "n" => "n" "o" => "o" "p" => "p" "q" => "q" "r" => "r" "s" => "s" "t" => "t" "u" => "u" "v" => "v" "w" => "w" "x" => "x" "y" => "y" "z" => "z"