SQL Query Table - Description of Column(edit)
---------- 1.To retrieve the descriptions of all columns: ---------- select st.name [Table], sc.name [Column], sep.value [Description] from sys.tables st inner join sys.columns sc on st.object_id = sc.object_id left join sys.extended_properties sep on st.object_id = sep.major_id and sc.column_id = sep.minor_id and sep.name = 'MS_Description' --where st.name = @TableName --and sc.name = @ColumnName ---------- 2.To retrieve the descriptions of all tables: ---------- SELECT sys.objects.name AS TableName, ep.name AS PropertyName, ep.value AS Description FROM sys.objects CROSS APPLY fn_listextendedproperty(default, 'SCHEMA', schema_name(schema_id), 'TABLE', name, null, null) ep WHERE sys.objects.name NOT IN ('sysdiagrams') ORDER BY sys.objects.name ---------- 3.To retrieve the descriptions of all column that is nullable: ---------- ;WITH src AS ( SELECT sys.objects.name AS TableName, sys.columns.name AS ColumnName, CAST(ep.value AS NVARCHAR(255)) AS Description, sys.columns.is_nullable AS IsNullable, sys.columns.default_object_id AS DefaultValue, ep.name AS PropertyName FROM sys.objects INNER JOIN sys.columns ON sys.objects.object_id = sys.columns.object_id CROSS APPLY fn_listextendedproperty( DEFAULT, 'SCHEMA', SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id), 'TABLE', sys.objects.name, 'COLUMN', sys.columns.name ) ep WHERE sys.objects.name = 'SupportDevice' -- AND sys.columns.name = 'StatusDefault' AND sys.columns.is_nullable = 1 -- AND sys.columns.is_nullable = 0 ) select * from src order by TableName,ColumnName --select * from src order by TableName,ColumnName ---------- 4.To retrieve the descriptions of all table columns: ---------- SELECT sys.objects.name AS TableName, sys.columns.name AS ColumnName, ep.name AS PropertyName, ep.value AS Description FROM sys.objects INNER JOIN sys.columns ON sys.objects.object_id = sys.columns.object_id CROSS APPLY fn_listextendedproperty(default, 'SCHEMA', schema_name(schema_id), 'TABLE', sys.objects.name, 'COLUMN', sys.columns.name) ep --WHERE sys.objects.object_id = object_id('SupportDevice') ORDER BY sys.objects.name, sys.columns.column_id ---------- 5.To retrieve the name of all columns in a table: ---------- select coalesce(cast(exprop.objname as varchar) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, syscol.name) as colname, coalesce(cast(exprop.value as varchar) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, syscol.name) as colalias from sys.columns syscol left outer join fn_listextendedproperty( 'caption', N'schema', 'dbo', N'table', 'person', 'column', default ) exprop on cast(exprop.objname as varchar) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = cast(syscol.name as varchar) collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS where syscol.object_id = object_id('SupportDevice')