.NET Core With Oracle Database Using Dapper (edit)
Securing ASP.NET MVC Applications with ASP.NET Identity | CodeGuru
Using ADO.NET Implementation of ASP.NET Identity 2 for Oracle (devart.com)
.Net Core With Oracle Database Using Dapper (c-sharpcorner.com)
Working With dotConnect for Oracle in ASP.NET Core - DZone Web Dev
VSIXTemplateOnionAPI - Visual Studio Marketplace
Developers can use the Visual Studio template OnionAPI to scaffold a clean architecture REST API solution consisting of five projects
- Domain - entities and the common models
- Application - Interfaces, CQRS Features, Exceptions, Behaviors
- Infrastructure.Persistence - application-specific database access
- Infrastructure.Shared - common services such as Mail Service, Date Time Service, Mock, and so on
- WebApi - controllers for REST API resources and endpoints
The underline tech stack provides loosely-coupled and inverted-dependency architecture with good design patterns and practices.
- ASP.NET CORE 5 — a framework for creating RESTful services, also known as web APIs, using C#
- Repository Pattern — abstraction layer between the data access layer and the controller
- CQRS (Command and Query Responsibility Segregation) Pattern — separating read and update operations for a data store to maximize performance, scalability, and security based on MediatR and AutoMapper
- Entity Framework Core — a lightweight, extensible, open-source, and cross-platform version of the popular Entity Framework data access technology
- Swashbuckle — the industry standard for REST API documentation and testing
- Bogus — a realistic, easy to use mock data .NET library for rapid REST API design and testing
Documentation: CRUD, Filter, Sort, Page, and Shape Data in Asp.Net Core REST API using OnionAPI Template
Securing ASP.NET MVC Applications with ASP.NET Identity | CodeGuru
ASP.NET Identity system:
- User
- Role
- User Manager
- Role Manager
- Authentication Manager
- Entity Framework DbContext