Ajax jQuery JSON and ASP.NET MVC (edit)
1) Ajax Show Loading Indicator (Loading Spinner)
Social Network for Programmers and Developers (morioh.com)
Display loading image when AJAX call is in progress (makitweb.com)
How to Show Loading Spinner in jQuery (tutorialrepublic.com)
2) Compression
Improve the Performance of ASP.NET MVC Web Application Using HTTP Compression - CodeProject
Compress the Response Content in ASP.NET MVC | BinaryIntellect Knowledge Base
GZip/Deflate Compression in ASP.NET MVC - Rick Strahl's Web Log (west-wind.com)
HTTP Compression a Json result in IIS 7.5
How do I compress a Json result from ASP.NET MVC with IIS 7.5 - Stack Overflow
Compression GZIP doesn't work in MVC
I found the GZip compression works fine when I use https...
When I use HTTP, the Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
But when I use HTTPS, the Accept-Encoding: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
How To Enable HTTP Compression in ASP.NET Website : GeeksArray.com (HAY HAY HAY - STEP BY STEP)
ASP.NET Response Compression | wolfSYS.net (HAY HAY HAY)
ASP.NET Core Response Compression - DZone Web Dev (HAY HAY HAY)
3) HTML Minifier
deanhume/html-minifier: A simple command line tool to minify your HTML, Razor views & Web Forms views (github.com) (HAY HAY HAY)
Minify Html trong ASP.NET mvc 5 – Thích Code (thichcode.net) (HAY HAY HAY)
4) Bundler & Minifier (Bundling and Minification in ASP.NET)
Asp.Net MVC Bundling and Minification - Tutlane
How Bundling and Minification Work in an MVC Application (codeguru.com)
ASP.NET MVC Performance: Bundling And Minification (c-sharpcorner.com)
Bundler & Minifier - Visual Studio Marketplace
Bundle và minify js, css trong ASP.NET MVC (comdy.vn)
Bundling and Minification in ASP.NET MVC (tutorialsteacher.com)
5) Error during serialization or deserialization using the JSON JavaScriptSerializer.
MaxJsonLength exception in ASP.NET MVC during JavaScriptSerializer - Stack Overflow
Error during serialization or deserialization using the JSON JavaScriptSerializer. The length of the string exceeds the value set on the maxJsonLength property RSS.
var jsonData = _myService.GetData();
return Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
After (HAY HAY HAY):
var jsonData = _myService.GetData();
var result = Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
result.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue - 1;
return result;
include antiforgerytoken in ajax post ASP.NET MVC - Stack Overflow
10 Good Practices for ASP.NET MVC Apps (codemag.com)
Learn MVC Project in 7 days – Day 1 - CodeProject
Moving from Partial Views to AJAX Calls -- Visual Studio Magazine (Part 1)
Moving from Partial Views to AJAX Calls -- Visual Studio Magazine (Part 2)