Starter Kit (edit)
Clean Architecture Solution Template for ASP.NET Core 5.0
Features Included
ASP.NET Core 5.0 MVC Project
- Slim Controllers using MediatR Library
- Permissions Management based on Role Claims
- Toast Notification (includes support for AJAX Calls too)
- Serilog
- ASP.NET Core Identity
- AdminLTE Bootstrap Template (Clean & SuperFast UI/UX)
- AJAX for CRUD (Blazing Fast load times)
- jQuery Datatables
- Select2
- Image Optimization
- Includes Sample CRUD Controllers / Views
- Active Route Tag Helper for UI
- RTL Support
- Complete Localization Support / Multilingual
- Clean Areas Implementation
- Dark Mode!
- Default Users / Roles Seeding at Startup
- Supports Audit Logging / Activity Logging for Entity Framework Core
- Automapper
ASP.NET Core 5.0 WebAPI
- JWT & Refresh Tokens
- Swagger
(will be updated soon)
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
- Add Localizers throughout the MVC Project.
- Add Arabic Translations throughout the MVC Project. You can find the Dictionary under the Resources Folder in the Web Project.
- Ensure the code quality.
Let's make this the best .NET 5 Clean Architecture Template.
ToastNotification is a Minimal & Elegant Toast Notification Package for ASP.NET Core Web Applications that can be invoked via C#. Compatible with ASP.NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5.
CQRS in ASP.NET Core 5.0
Article 1: Onion Architecture In ASP.NET Core With CQRS - Detailed (
Article 2: CQRS pattern with MediatR in ASP.NET Core 5.0 » CoreSpider
Article: CQRS and MediatR in ASP.NET Core - Code Maze (
Article: A Developer's Guide to CQRS Using .NET Core and MediatR - DZone Web Dev
Article 3: .NET 5 Source Generators - MediatR - CQRS - OMG! ( (Source Code Generate - OMG)
Article: CQRS with MediatR in ASP.NET Core 3.1 - Ultimate Guide (
Article: CQRS with Mediatr and ASP.NET Core - Steve Gordon - Code with Steve (
Article: Contoso University Examples with CQRS, MediatR, AutoMapper and more (
NuGet Gallery | Packages:
Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational
Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
Install-Package MediatR
Install-Package MediatR.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection
Install-Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
Install-Package Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
Install-Package Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger
Full ASP.NET Core 3.1 LTS application with DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing (HAY HAY HAY) - Nguyen Truc Sinh
ASP.NET Core + VueJS
ASP.NET Core + ReactJS
This is a sample Web App to practice MVC 5, EF 6, Code First, Fluent Api, SignalR, Repository Pattern, Unit Of Work Pattern (HAY)
.Net Core Clean Architecture
Ask me about Clean Architecture, DevOps, Scrum, Agile, .NET Core, Vue, and Angular
jasontaylordev (Jason Taylor) · GitHub
Clean Architecture With MVC
GitHub - simonbinyamin/CleanArchitectureWithMVC
- ASP.NET Core 5
- Entity Framework Core 5
- Angular 10
- MediatR
- AutoMapper
- FluentValidation
- NUnit, FluentAssertions, Moq & Respawn
- Docker
ASP.NET Identity Firebase Provider
GitHub - Aguafrommars/Identity.Firebase: ASP.NET Identity Firebase Provider
Using Semantic UI with ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
GitHub - jbogard/MediatR: Simple, unambitious mediator implementation in .NET
Thin Controllers with CQRS and MediatR (HAY)
Thin Controllers with CQRS and MediatR (
Domain-Driven Design specifically focussed on Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)
GitHub - MarkNijhof/Fohjin: This is a personal sand box
CQRS with Plumbing
GitHub - ToJans/Scritchy: CQRS without plumbing
A .NET core library for building fundraising applications
GitHub - alindgren/Fundraise: A .NET core library for building fundraising applications (HAY)
Starter Kit Bootstrap 4 Font Awesome 5 ESLint
GitHub - dstroot/bootstrap4-starter-kit
A Developer's Guide to CQRS Using .NET Core and MediatR
A Developer's Guide to CQRS Using .NET Core and MediatR | RUBICON (
GitHub - rubiconba/cqrs-with-net-core-mediatr
Very simplified insurance sales system made in a microservices architecture using .NET Core (HAY)
This is an example of a very simplified insurance sales system made in a microservice architecture using:
- .NET 5
- Entity Framework Core
- MediatR
- Marten
- Eureka
- Ocelot
- JWT Tokens
- RestEase
- RawRabbit
- NHibernate
- Polly
- NEST (ElasticSearch client)
- Dapper
- DynamicExpresso
- SignalR
Topics: Unit Of Work
Unit Test with MediatR Pipeline Behavior
Using Mediator In Web API's For CQRS Pattern (
MediatR Pipeline Behaviour in ASP.NET Core - Logging and Validation (
MediatR Pipeline Examples · Los Techies
cqrs - How to instantiate Mediatr as part of a Unit Test? - Stack Overflow
c# - Mediatr: Unit Testing behaviors/validation - Stack Overflow
c# - Unit testing validation through MediatR PipelineBehavior - Stack Overflow
c# - Dependency Scope Issues with MediatR and SimpleInjector - Stack Overflow mvc - Command Dispatcher using Unity - Stack Overflow
C# - How to unit test async methods | MAKOLYTE
- Moq
- FakeItEasy
- NSubstiutute