Time Logger (edit)
.NET Standard 2.0
.NET Standard | Microsoft Docs
.NET Standard Explained: How To Share Code – Stackify
.NET Standard | Common APIs across all .NET implementations (microsoft.com)
Cross-platform targeting for .NET libraries | Microsoft Docs
.NET Framework 4.6.1
BenchmarkDotNet (dotnetfoundation.org)
Creating a Nuget Package - Step by Step - CodeProject
GitHub - dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet: Powerful .NET library for benchmarking
nuget.exe pack -IncludeReferencedProjects -properties Configuration=Release
# Performance Time Logging Tool + Performance Tuning + Benchmarking with Stopwatch + Stopwatch is a class in C# to measure the elapsed time # Pros & Cons ## Pros + Making it easier to time your code + Making it easier to measure execution time of small code snippets + Reporting made easier in the text log file + Using with Performance Profiler together + Visual Studio > Menu > Debug > Performance Profiler, and select Performance Wizard + CPU Usage + GPU Usage + Memory Usage + Performance Wizard (a.k.a Visual Studio Profiler) ## Cons + Cross-platform (written in C# and .NET Standard 2.0)
+ Requires .NET Framework 4.6.1 + Cannot use in the Asynchronous programming # Usage + **TimeLogger.Init**("name_of_method"); + **TimeLogger.Start**("code_block_1"); + if (USE_V1) { + ... //code need to optimize + } + else { + ... //code optimized + } + **TimeLogger.Stop**("code_block_1"); + ... + **TimeLogger.Start**("code_block_n"); + if (USE_V1) { + ... //code need to optimize + } + else { + ... //code optimized + } + **TimeLogger.Stop**("code_block_n"); + **TimeLogger.Summary**(); # References + Benchmarking with Stopwatch + http://jigneshon.blogspot.com/2013/09/c-benchmarking-with-stopwatch-beginner.html + Extending Stopwatch: Making it easier to time your code + http://blog.functionalfun.net/2008/06/extending-stopwatch.html + C# Stopwatch Extension + https://grumpycodedude.com/2018/03/30/c-stopwatch-extension/ + Standardization of Performance Monitoring, Logging, & Exception Handling via a .NET Runtime Wrapper + https://hackernoon.com/standardization-of-performance-monitoring-logging-and-exception-handling-via-a-net-runtime-wrapper-fe9l3sxs + A simple but effective mini-profiler for ASP.NET (and Core) websites + https://github.com/MiniProfiler/dotnet + A .NET Core Profiling Library + https://github.com/teddymacn/CoreProfiler + OpenCover: A code coverage tool for .NET 2 and above (WINDOWS OS only), support for 32 and 64 processes with both branch and sequence points + https://github.com/OpenCover/opencover + BenchmarkDotNet: Powerful .NET library for benchmarking + https://github.com/dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet + Performance Testing In Visual Studio 2019 + https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/performance-testing-in-visual-studio-2019/ + How to profile performance issues using Visual Studio's built-in Performance Profiler + https://supportcenter.devexpress.com/ticket/details/t802150/how-to-profile-performance-issues-using-visual-studio-s-built-in-performance-profiler + How to Troubleshoot Performance with a Visual Studio Profiler + https://stackify.com/how-to-troubleshoot-performance-with-a-visual-studio-profiler/ + Stackify Prefix: Improving the performance of your applications before you even submit the pull request is easy with Prefix. + https://docs.stackify.com/docs/prefix-getting-started + Stackify Retrace: APM + Errors + Logging + Metrics + https://stackify.com/retrace/ + Retrace works out of the box with your .NET, PHP, Node.js, Ruby, Python, and Java stack, and dozens of common frameworks are supported, including: + SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL + MongoDB + Elasticsearch + Redis + AWS, Azure + AMD CodeXL + JetBrains dotTrace + RedGate ANTS Performance Profiler + Telerik JustTrace