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REST API Folder Structure

February 14, 2022 11:22

REST API Folder Structure (edit)

Nodejs project structure practices for building RESTful APIs using Express framework and MongoDB

MoathShraim/Nodejs-rest-api-project-structure-Express: Nodejs project structure practices for building RESTful APIs using Express framework and MongoDB. (github.com)

Folder Structure Of ASP.NET Core MVC 6.0 Project (c-sharpcorner.com)

.NET Core Web API Best Practices - Code Maze Blog (code-maze.com)

ASP.NET Core Web API Files and Folders - Dot Net Tutorials


Folder Structure of ASP.NET MVC Project (c-sharpcorner.com)

Best Practices, Coding Standards & Folder Structure For ASP.NET MVC Project (c-sharpcorner.com)

ASP.NET MVC Folder Structure (tutorialsteacher.com)

Getting Started With ASP.NET Web API (c-sharpcorner.com) (HAY HAY HAY)


This folder contains classes that define objects and the logic for interacting with the database or data items. The Model is used by request/response data and manipulate in controller. It is better to put model classes into a separate class library project because in real project this mode used as DTO (Data Transfer Object) so that Web application and other application use same model.

ASP.NET MVC Folder and File structure - Dot Net Tutorials (HAY HAY HAY)


The Models folder of an ASP.NET MVC application contains the class files which are used to store the domain data (you can also say business data) as well as business logic to manage the data. In our example, the Models folder is empty as we have not created any models for our application. In our upcoming articles, we will discuss Models in detail.

Maybe it's time to rethink our project structure with .NET 6 - Tim Deschryver

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