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REST API Folder Structure

February 14, 2022 11:22

REST API Folder Structure (edit)

Nodejs project structure practices for building RESTful APIs using Express framework and MongoDB

MoathShraim/Nodejs-rest-api-project-structure-Express: Nodejs project structure practices for building RESTful APIs using Express framework and MongoDB. (github.com)

Folder Structure Of ASP.NET Core MVC 6.0 Project (c-sharpcorner.com)

.NET Core Web API Best Practices - Code Maze Blog (code-maze.com)

ASP.NET Core Web API Files and Folders - Dot Net Tutorials


Folder Structure of ASP.NET MVC Project (c-sharpcorner.com)

Best Practices, Coding Standards & Folder Structure For ASP.NET MVC Project (c-sharpcorner.com)

ASP.NET MVC Folder Structure (tutorialsteacher.com)

Getting Started With ASP.NET Web API (c-sharpcorner.com) (HAY HAY HAY)


This folder contains classes that define objects and the logic for interacting with the database or data items. The Model is used by request/response data and manipulate in controller. It is better to put model classes into a separate class library project because in real project this mode used as DTO (Data Transfer Object) so that Web application and other application use same model.

ASP.NET MVC Folder and File structure - Dot Net Tutorials (HAY HAY HAY)


The Models folder of an ASP.NET MVC application contains the class files which are used to store the domain data (you can also say business data) as well as business logic to manage the data. In our example, the Models folder is empty as we have not created any models for our application. In our upcoming articles, we will discuss Models in detail.

Maybe it's time to rethink our project structure with .NET 6 - Tim Deschryver

How to test your C# Web API - Tim Deschryver

.NET 6

December 14, 2021 14:21

.NET 6 (edit)

Clean Architecture

Clean Architecture - Awesome Software Architecture (mehdihadeli.github.io)

Clean Architecture Template for .NET 6.0 WebApi built with Multitenancy Support.

fullstackhero/dotnet-webapi-boilerplate: Clean Architecture Template for .NET 6.0 WebApi built with Multitenancy Support. (github.com)

fullstackhero - Open-Source Boilerplates for Modern Web Applications.

fullstackhero - Open-Source Boilerplates for Modern Web Applications

Clean Architecture (Microservices)

ASP.NET Core 6 Clean Architecture (Microservices, Modular Monolith, Monolith) samples (+Blazor, Angular 13, React 17, Vue 2.6), Domain-Driven Design, CQRS, Event Sourcing, SOLID, Asp.Net Core Identity Custom Storage, Identity Server 4 Admin UI, Entity Framework Core, Selenium E2E Testing, SignalR, Hosted Services, Health Checks, Security Headers…

phongnguyend/Practical.CleanArchitecture: Asp.Net Core 6 Clean Architecture (Microservices, Modular Monolith, Monolith) samples (+Blazor, Angular 13, React 17, Vue 2.6), Domain-Driven Design, CQRS, Event Sourcing, SOLID, Asp.Net Core Identity Custom Storage, Identity Server 4 Admin UI, Entity Framework Core, Selenium E2E Testing, SignalR, Hosted Services, Health Checks, Security Headers, ... (github.com)

Home · phongnguyend/Practical.CleanArchitecture Wiki (github.com)

Application URLs · phongnguyend/Practical.CleanArchitecture Wiki (github.com)

Clean Architecture (Solution Template)

ASP.NET Core 6 Web API Clean Architecture Solution Template.

iayti/CleanArchitecture: ASP.NET Core 6 Web API Clean Architecture Solution Template (github.com)


Blazor WebAssembly Boilerplate for .NET 6.0 using FSH API as the backend.

fullstackhero/blazor-wasm-boilerplate: Blazor WebAssembly Boilerplate for .NET 6.0 using FSH API as the backend. (github.com)

Clean Architecture Template for Blazor WebAssembly Built with MudBlazor Components.

blazorhero/CleanArchitecture: Clean Architecture Template for Blazor WebAssembly Built with MudBlazor Components. (github.com)

Blazor Boilerplate / Starter Template with MatBlazor.

enkodellc/blazorboilerplate: Blazor Boilerplate / Starter Template with MatBlazor (github.com)


Microservices architecture e-book

.NET microservices application architecture guidance (microsoft.com)

Creating a simple data-driven CRUD microservice

Creating a simple data-driven CRUD microservice | Microsoft Docs

Design a microservice-oriented application (HAY HAY HAY)

Designing a microservice-oriented application | Microsoft Docs

Cross-platform .NET sample microservices and container based application that runs on Linux Windows and macOS. Powered by .NET 6, Docker Containers and Azure Kubernetes Services. Supports Visual Studio, VS for Mac and CLI based environments with Docker CLI, dotnet CLI, VS Code or any other code editor.

dotnet-architecture/eShopOnContainers: Cross-platform .NET sample microservices and container based application that runs on Linux Windows and macOS. Powered by .NET 6, Docker Containers and Azure Kubernetes Services. Supports Visual Studio, VS for Mac and CLI based environments with Docker CLI, dotnet CLI, VS Code or any other code editor. (github.com)

Microservices on .Net platforms which used Asp.Net Web API, Docker, RabbitMQ, MassTransit, Grpc, Ocelot API Gateway, MongoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL, SqlServer, Dapper, Entity Framework Core, CQRS and Clean Architecture implementation. Also includes Cross-Cutting concerns like Implementing Centralized Distributed Logging with Elasticsearch, Kibana an…

aspnetrun/run-aspnetcore-microservices: Microservices on .Net platforms which used Asp.Net Web API, Docker, RabbitMQ, MassTransit, Grpc, Ocelot API Gateway, MongoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL, SqlServer, Dapper, Entity Framework Core, CQRS and Clean Architecture implementation. Also includes Cross-Cutting concerns like Implementing Centralized Distributed Logging with Elasticsearch, Kibana and SeriLog, use the HealthChecks with Watchdog, Implement Retry and Circuit Breaker patterns with Polly and so on.. See Microservices Architecture and Step by Step Implementation on .NET Course w/ discount-> (github.com)

Building Microservices on .NET Ecosystem.

sanjyotagureddy/aspnetrun-microservices: Building Microservices on .Net Ecosystem (github.com)

Microservices (Solution Template)

Template for microservice module based on the ASP.NET Core platform. (NET Core 3.1, NET 5, NET 6)

Calabonga/Microservice-Template: Template for microservice module based on the ASP.NET Core platform. (NET Core 3.1, NET 5, NET 6) (github.com)

Releases · Calabonga/Microservice-Template (github.com)

Microservice template gives you a possibility to start developing a microservice architecture with UI (Swagger Open API) and Mediatr (CQRS). Template Based on NET 6.0.x

MicroserviceTemplate - Visual Studio Marketplace

How to create a Visual Studio Template for your Microservices Architecture

Visual Studio Template for Your Microservices Architecture | Fortech

Creating .Net Core Templates for Visual Studio

Create a .NET Core Visual Studio Template | Programming With Wolfgang

Creating .Net Core Templates for Visual Studio

WolfgangOfner/VisualStudioTemplate: Creating .Net Core Templates for Visual Studio (github.com)

Microservice template gives you a possibility to start developing a microservice architecture with UI (Swagger Open API) and Mediatr (CQRS). Template Based on NET 6.0.x

MicroserviceTemplate - Visual Studio Marketplace

ModelEx Microservice Clean Architecture - Visual Studio Marketplace

  • HTML, JSON, or XML
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  • Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP)
  • Web Sockets
  • Single Page Applications (SPAs)
  • Traditional web apps
  • Mobile web apps
  • Native mobile apps
  • SQL or NoSQL
  • Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)
  • API Gateways
  • RabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus, NServiceBus, MassTransit, or Brighter.
  • GitHub
  • Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code
  • Docker
  • Domain-Driven Design (DDD) approaches
  • Programming language like F#, R or C#.
  • TCP/ IP (Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol) - Giao thức điều khiển truyền nhận/ Giao thức liên mạng.
  • UDP (User Datagram Protocol) là một trong những giao thức cốt lõi của giao thức TCP/IP.

Socket là gì?

Socket là một điểm cuối (end-point) của liên kết giao tiếp hai chiều (two-way communication) giữa hai chương trình chạy trên mạng. Nghĩa là một socket được sử dụng để cho phép 1 process nói chuyện với 1 process khác.

Các lớp Socket được sử dụng để tiến hành kết nối giữa client và server. Nó được ràng buộc với một cổng port (thể hiện là một con số cụ thể) để các tầng TCP (TCP Layer) có thể định danh ứng dụng mà dữ liệu sẽ được gửi tới.

Socket hoạt động ntn?

Socket giúp lập trình viên kết nối các ứng dụng để truyền và nhận dữ liệu trong môi trường có kết nối Internet bằng cách sử dụng phương thức TCP/IPUDP.

Khi cần trao đổi dữ liệu cho nhau thì 2 ứng dụng cần phải biết thông tin IP và port bao nhiêu của ứng dụng kia.

Có rất nhiều dạng socket khác nhau phụ thuộc vào sự khác biệt giữa cách truyền dữ liệu (protocol). Dạng phổ biến nhất là TCPUDP.

WebSocket là gì?

WebSocket là giao thức hỗ trợ giao tiếp hai chiều giữa client và server để tạo một kết nối trao đổi dữ liệu. Giao thức này không sử dụng HTTP mà thực hiện nó qua TCP. Mặc dù được thiết kế để chuyên sử dụng cho các ứng dụng web, lập trình viên vẫn có thể đưa chúng vào bất kì loại ứng dụng nào.

Giao thức chuẩn thông thường của WebSocket là ws://, giao thức secure là wss://. Chuẩn giao tiếp là String và hỗ trợ Buffered ArraysBlobs.

Các phương thức của WebSocket?

send(data) Gửi dữ liệu tới Server. Message Data là String, ArrayBuffer, Blob.
close() Đóng kết nối đang tồn tại.


December 9, 2021 17:13

NET 6 (edit)

Updated to ASP.NET Core 6.0

Web GTCT: FBK - WebValley

Web TMĐT: Vivino (Japan) - Buy the Right Wine

Focus on:

  • Visual Studio 2022
  • .NET 6.0 (TLS)
  • C# 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2022
  • IIS 10
  • HTTP/3
  • QUIC
  • TLS 1.3
  • SQL Server 2022

Microsoft has released Windows Server 2022 on August 18th, 2021

Windows Server 2022 Azure edition

NET 6 Deploy

Web server implementations in ASP.NET Core | Microsoft Docs

Host ASP.NET Core on Windows with IIS | Microsoft Docs

Troubleshoot ASP.NET Core on Azure App Service and IIS | Microsoft Docs

Log creation and redirection with the ASP.NET Core Module | Microsoft Docs

c# - ASP.NET core running in IIS startup error logging - Stack Overflow

HTTP Error 500.30

[net5.0]HTTP Error 500.30 - ASP.NET Core app failed to start · Issue #29395 · dotnet/aspnetcore (github.com) (HAY HAY HAY)

Where do logs go when running ASP.NET Core on IIS 7.5? - Stack Overflow (HAY HAY HAY)

iis 8 - .NET Core 3.0 and IIS: HTTP Error 500.30 - ANCM In-Process Start Failure: failed to load coreclr - Stack Overflow

Visual Studio 2022

SonarLint for Visual Studio 2022 - Visual Studio Marketplace

CodeMaid VS2022 - Visual Studio Marketplace

SpecFlow for Visual Studio 2022 - Visual Studio Marketplace

Azure Machine Learning (ML)

Bea Stollnitz - Home

WPF: Wbstollnitz/old-wpf-blog: A selection of posts from my old WPF blog. (github.com)


Building .NET Applications for AWS (infoq.com)

How to build AWS Lambda functions in .NET Core | InfoWorld

AWS Lambda a Function in C# (tutorialspoint.com)

Runtime support policy - AWS Lambda (amazon.com)

Lambda runtimes - AWS Lambda (amazon.com)

AWS Lambda execution environment - AWS Lambda (amazon.com)

.NET Core 2.1 => End of support phase 2 start: Nov 30, 2021

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

Manual installation steps for older versions of WSL | Microsoft Docs

AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio

Setting up the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio - AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio (amazon.com)

Using the AWS Lambda Templates in the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio - AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio (amazon.com)

Amazon Lambda functions

AWS Lambda function handler in C# - AWS Lambda (amazon.com)

Building Lambda functions with C# - AWS Lambda (amazon.com)

For example, you can use Lambda to:

  • Build data-processing triggers for AWS services such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon DynamoDB.

  • Process streaming data stored in Amazon Kinesis.

  • Create your own backend that operates at AWS scale, performance, and security.

AWS Lambda functions:

  • Xây dựng trình kích hoạt xử lý dữ liệu cho các dịch vụ AWS như Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) và Amazon DynamoDB.

  • Xử lý dữ liệu phát trực tuyến được lưu trữ trong Amazon Kinesis.

  • Tạo chương trình phụ trợ của riêng bạn hoạt động ở quy mô, hiệu suất và bảo mật AWS.


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