Sql View Info (edit)
Lấy thông tin Description của một cột trong SQL Server
st.name [Table],
sc.name [Column],
sep.value [Description]
from sys.tables st
inner join sys.columns sc on st.object_id = sc.object_id
left join sys.extended_properties sep on st.object_id = sep.major_id
and sc.column_id = sep.minor_id
and sep.name = 'MS_Description'
where st.name = 'T_Fighting'
and sc.name = 'Status'
Lấy thông tin về Table, Column, DataType trong SQL Server
SELECT TAB.NAME AS TableName, TAB.object_id AS ObjectID, COL.NAME AS ColumnName, TYP.NAME AS DataTypeName, TYP.max_length AS MaxLength
FROM sys.columns COL
INNER JOIN sys.tables TAB ON COL.object_id = TAB.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.types TYP ON TYP.user_type_id = COL.user_type_id
where TAB.name = 'T_Fighting'
--where TYP.name = 'varchar'
--where COL.name = 'Status'
--where TAB.name = 'T_Fighting'
-- where TAB.name = ''
-- Uncomment above line and add to fetch details for particular table
-- where COL.name = ''
-- Uncomment above line and add to fetch details for particular column names
-- where TYP.name = ''
-- Uncomment above line and add to fetch details for particular Data Type