SQL Helper (edit)
Không thể thêm Description cho Column trong khi tạo Table sử dụng Entity Framework Core
How to set Column Description - How to set the description on a SQL column using EF Core Code First
Thêm Description cho Column trong khi tạo Table sử dụng Entity Framework
Lớp: DbDescriptionUpdater.cs
How can I get and set the description property of a SQL Server 2008 table using SMO?
$s = new-object microsoft.sqlserver.management.smo.server '.'; $db = $s.Databases['AdventureWorks2012']; $t = $db.Tables | where {$_.Name -eq 'Address'}; $t.ExtendedProperties['MS_Description']; # will print current value $t.ExtendedProperties['MS_Description'].Value = 'new value'; $t.ExtendedProperties['MS_Description'].Alter(); #persist the new value to the database
Classes for reading data from Sql Server into objects
SQL cổ điển: SqlServerTransaction, SqlServerConnection, SqlCommand, SqlDataAdapter, SqlDataReader, DataTable, DataSet
SqlCommand site:www.dotnetperls.com