Entity Framework Core + Oracle (edit)

  1. Update Model from Database...
  2. Generate Database from Model...

Entity Framework, LINQ and Model-First for the Oracle Database


Entity Framework Core tools reference - .NET Core CLI


dotConnect for Oracle


Starting with an existing database


Oracle DB First


Oracle Command - Inserting Data in Run Time


To insert the first row into table dept you can use the following statement:

  1. CREATE TABLE dept:

    CREATE TABLE dept (
      deptno INT PRIMARY KEY,
      dname VARCHAR(14),
      loc VARCHAR(13)
  2. CREATE TABLE emp:

    CREATE TABLE emp (
      empno INT PRIMARY KEY,
      ename VARCHAR(10),
      job VARCHAR(9),
      mgr INT,
      hiredate DATE,
      sal FLOAT,
      comm FLOAT,
      deptno INT REFERENCES dept
INSERT INTO dept (deptno, dname, loc) VALUES (10,'Accounting','New York')

The following code fragment executes the query:

OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection("User Id=scott;Password=tiger;Server=OraServer;");
OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO dept (deptno, dname, loc) VALUES (10,'Accounting','New York')";
cmd.Connection = conn;
try {
  int aff = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
  MessageBox.Show(aff + " rows were affected.");
catch {
  MessageBox.Show("Error encountered during INSERT operation.");
finally {

Console Application - How You Can Create a .NET Core Application Using Entity Framework Core with Oracle


  1. Update Model From Database...
  2. Update Database from Model...
  3. Generate Database Script From Model...

Create a .NET Core Application Using Entity Framework Core with Oracle