Layout in ASP.NET MVC 5 (edit)
Unicode trong ASP.NET MVC
<globalization fileEncoding="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
How to allow Unicode characters in web.config for my ASP.NET MVC application?
Tải ảnh của trang về
Chrome > F12 > Application > Frames > top > Images
Razor Syntax in ASP.NET MVC 5
Razor Syntax in ASP.NET Core MVC
Global Search Feature in Layout (HAY)
Create multi folders by CMD
md data\rs1 data\rs2 data\rs3
ASP.NET Core 2.1
Onion architecture, ASP.NET MVC 5, Web API, AngularJS, Entity Framework, Autofac, Automapper
Entity Framework Autofac Automapper NLogger Unit of work MVC 5 AngularJS Material Design HTML5 ASP.NET Identity Token based authentication NUnit Moq Onion design arhitecture Repository pattern Dependency Injection
eShopOnWeb in VB.NET (.NET Core 3.1)
Material CMS
Material CMS
Material CMS is a fork of the ASP.NET MVC 5 C# open source content management framework MrCMS
Material CMS wraps up a lot of the time consuming aspects of website creation. Material CMS is a framework for developers create bespoke website whilst at the same time giving content editors an easy to use CMS.
Road map:
- Material Design for Default theme and admin area
- Better multi-languages support for both backend and frontend
- Create more useful apps
- Add more elegant and ready-to-use themes
- Installation which allows to setup quickly for different kinds of websites
- Frequently update and better support
Apps in Material CMS contain all the functionality your website requires. For example, you might want a Blog App which contains page definitions for a list of blogs and a blog page itself.
Material CMS comes with 3 basic apps, 'Core', 'Articles' and 'Galleries'. The CoreApp contains basic concepts such as login and registration. It also has some basic page types such as 'TextPage' which can be used as a base page type for other pages.
Ultimately though, you can throw these three apps out and start building your own if you want.
Feature list
- Unlimited document types
- Lucene based search architecture - easily create search indexes for super fast content filtering and searching of '000's of items.
- Layouts & Layout areas give complete control over widgets on each page
- Bulk media upload and management
- Azure or file based media storage
- Inline content editing
- Error logging
- Task management
- SEO - Control over meta details
- URL History table - keep track of URL changes. When a URL changes create 301 redirect to new location
- URL History - add URLs at will to create redirects or if importing from another system add in the original URLs here
- Form builder - create forms on the fly and collect their data
- Enforce user login to page
- SSL per page
- User management & roles
- Document version control
- Complete control of page meta data - I.E when creating a page type (e.g BlogPage) control what type of pages can be added below it, say weather the page can maintain url hierarchy, say how many children should show in the page tree in item (if there are 000's of pages you might only show the top 5 pages) and lots more
- Content managed into apps
- Themes - override standard views
- Multi-site capability - run multiple domains through one set of files & admin system
- Webpage import and export
- Site duplication button to duplicate a website quickly
- Azure support
MVC Design
MVC MusicStore Application
The same known MusicStore application, published by Microsoft, but written using tons of design and architectural patterns to force the delivery of a high quality code and provide a responsable development.
Implemented Tools
- ASP.NET MVC 5.2.3
- EntityFramework 6.1.2
- ADO.NET 4.0
- Dapper 1.38
- SQL Server Compact 4.0
- AutoMapper 3.3.1
- Ninject
- Service Locator 1.3
Patterns Applied
- DDD - Domain Drive Design
- SRP - Single Responsability Principle
- OCP - Open Close Principle
- LSP - Liskov Substitution Principle
- ISP - Interface Segregation Principle
- DIP - Dependency Invertion Principle
- Self Validation
- TDD - Teste Driven Design
- CrossCutting
- Dependency Injection
- Invertion of Control
- Service Locator