Git Command Line (edit)
13 Git Commands Every Developer Must Know (
15 Git Hacks to Save your Life as a Developer | by GitShip | Medium
Life-saving git commands - DEV Community (HAY HAY HAY)
4 Useful Git Commands That Save Time | Codica (HAY HAY HAY)
List of life saving git commands – Tugrul ASLAN
Git switch 2 branches
git checkout -
See where all your branches are tracking from
git branch -vv
Add new changes to the last commit
git commit --amend
Git delete branch
To delete a branch on your local repo:
git branch - delete <branchname>
git branch --delete --force <branchName>
To delete a branch remotely and to create a new branch to work on
git push origin --delete <branchname>
Show log's user
git log --author="Jon Smith"
git log --author="Jon"
git log --author=Jon
git log --author=Smith
git log --author="Jon" --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s"
Show all users
git shortlog -sne
Show all users from all branches
git shortlog -sne --all