Core MVC 6 (edit)

aspnetcorehero/Boilerplate: Clean Architecture Solution Template for ASP.NET Core 5.0. Built with Onion/Hexagonal Architecture and incorporates the most essential Packages your projects will ever need. Includes both WebApi and Web(MVC) Projects. (

ASP.NET Core Hero Boilerplate - Quick Start Guide (

ASP.NET Core Boilerplate - Visual Studio Marketplace

ASP.NET Core Boilerplate - Muhammad Rehan Saeed

Whats New in ASP.NET Core Boilerplate - Muhammad Rehan Saeed

  • Remove System.Web (ASP.NET Core)
  • NPM and Bower
  • SASS
  • Gulp
  • NWebSec
  • Elmah
  • Glimpse
  • YSlow

ASP.NET Core 3.1 - Boilerplate API with Email Sign Up, Verification, Authentication & Forgot Password | Jason Watmore's Blog

Dotnet-Boxed/Templates: .NET project templates with batteries included, providing the minimum amount of code required to get you going faster. (

aspnetcorehero/Boilerplate: Clean Architecture Solution Template for ASP.NET Core 5.0. Built with Onion/Hexagonal Architecture and incorporates the most essential Packages your projects will ever need. Includes both WebApi and Web(MVC) Projects. (

aspnetcorehero/ToastNotification: ToastNotification is a Minimal & Elegant Toast Notification Package for ASP.NET Core Web Applications that can be invoked via C#. Compatible with ASP.NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5. (

aspnetcorehero/EntityFrameworkCore.AuditTrail: Automatically Log all the changes done via Entity Framework Core seamlessly. (