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BenchmarkDotNet & Benchmarking

May 26, 2021 08:27

BenchmarkDotNet & Benchmarking (edit)


  • We use benchmarks to find code performance
  • BenchmarkDotNet is a nuget package
  • We use console apps to host and run benchmarks

Introduction to BenchMarkDotNet – DevSuhas

Attach a debugger from IDE

Troubleshooting | BenchmarkDotNet

Measuring performance using BenchmarkDotNet - Part 1 - DEV Community

GitHub - NewDayTechnology/benchmarking-performance-part-1: A simple demonstration of BenchmarkDotNet

Measuring performance using BenchmarkDotNet - Part 2 - DEV Community

NewDayTechnology/benchmarking-performance-part-2: A simple demonstration of BenchmarkDotNet (github.com)

Measuring performance using BenchmarkDotNet - Part 3 Breaking Builds - DEV Community

Benchmarking and performance optimizations in C# using BenchmarkDotNet (stebet.net) (HAY HAY HAY)

SuhasParameshwara/BenchMarkDotNet_Demo: Comparing FirstOrDefault and SingleOrDefault using BenchMarkDotNet (github.com)


dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet: Powerful .NET library for benchmarking (github.com)

BenchmarkDotNet Analyser

A tool for analysing BenchmarkDotNet results

NewDayTechnology/benchmarkdotnet.analyser: A tool for analysing BenchmarkDotNet results (github.com)

Awesome .NET Performance: Benchmarking

adamsitnik/awesome-dot-net-performance: A curated list of awesome .NET Performance books, courses, trainings, conference talks, blogs and most inspiring open source contributors. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. (github.com)


NuGet Gallery | dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool 4.8.9

reportgenerator [options]
tools\reportgenerator.exe [options]
dotnet reportgenerator [options]

Dotnet Command Line Tools

mkdir c:\projects\scratch\tools
cd c:\
cd projects\scratch\tools

dotnet new nugetconfig

dotnet nuget add source https://nuget.pkg.github.com/NewDayTechnology/index.json --configfile ./nuget.config -n newdaytechnology -p nvmanhntq -u nvmanhntq

dotnet nuget list source

dotnet new tool-manifest

dotnet tool install bdna

dotnet tool install bdna --version 0.1.121-preview

C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.203\NuGet.targets

git init
git clone "https://github.com/NewDayTechnology/benchmarking-performance-part-2.git"
cd benchmarking-performance-part-2


dotnet clean
dotnet restore
dotnet build -c Release

cd src\benchmarkdotnetdemo\bin\Release\net5.0


dotnet Benchmarkdotnetdemo.dll -f *

dotnet bdna aggregate -new ".\src\benchmarkdotnetdemo\bin\Release\net5.0\BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts\results" -aggs ".\bdna" -out ".\bdna" -runs 30


dotnet bdna analyse --aggregates ".\bdna" --tolerance 0 --maxerrors 0 --verbose


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