
Welcome to my blog!


March 20, 2018 22:55









Build API return auto properties

  • /api/tracks/1?props=bytes,milliseconds,name
  • /api/albums/22?props=artistname,title,track(trackid;bytes;name)
  • /api/albums/3?props=artistname,title,track
  • /api/tracks?props=trackid,name,unitprice
  • /api/artists/6?props=album(title)
  • /api/artists/6?props=album(title;track(trackid;unitprice))

Facebook, ASP.NET Core Web API, Token based authentication

Sample project demonstrating jwt-based authentication with an Angular (v5.2.1) frontend and ASP.NET Core 2 Web Api. Includes both local user registration with .NET Core Identity membership and facebook login scenarios.



January 17, 2018 23:39

Danh sách các cao thủ:


http://shanucsharp.blogspot.kr/ (MVP)

Here is my TechNet Profile page https://social.technet.microsoft.com/profile/syedshanu/

This is my C# Corner Article Page you can find nearly 50 Articles of mine from this link http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/members/syed-shanu/articles

This is my CodeProject Article Page link http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/syed-shanu#Article

Check my personal blog: http://shanucsharp.blogspot.kr/

Các bài viết đáng chú ý:

WinForm DataGridView: Một chương trình mẫu có sử dụng DataGridView




SQL Server Tools: Một chương trình WinForm để kết nối và thao tác với cơ sở dữ liệu SQL Server


ASP.NET Identity: Một chương trình Web Application (ASP.NET MVC) để quản lý người sử dụng và quyền truy cập


2. Jon Skeet


3. Simon Rigby

I'm a freelance software developer with a primary focus on the Microsoft stack - C#, ASP.NET MVC, etc.

Over the last few years I've worked predominantly with organisations who follow Agile development practices to a greater or lesser extent. Sometimes I help them get a bit better at it, sometimes not...


Các bài viết đáng chú ý:

Check duplicate username


Generic Factories pattern


Simplify controller logic using Factories pattern


Keep your views clean with Display Templates


Unit Test

Every day in our office there is an exchange which goes something like this:

"Man, I just love unit tests, I've just been able to make a bunch of changes to the way something works, and then was able to confirm I hadn't broken anything by running the test over it again..."

The details change daily, but the sentiment doesn't. Unit tests and test-driven development (TDD) have so many hidden and personal benefits as well as the obvious ones that you just can't really explain to somebody until they're doing it themselves.

But, ignoring that, here's my attempt!

  1. Unit Tests allows you to make big changes to code quickly. You know it works now because you've run the tests, when you make the changes you need to make, you need to get the tests working again. This saves hours.

  2. TDD helps you to realise when to stop coding. Your tests give you confidence that you've done enough for now and can stop tweaking and move on to the next thing.

  3. The tests and the code work together to achieve better code. Your code could be bad / buggy. Your TEST could be bad / buggy. In TDD you are banking on the chances of both being bad / buggy being low. Often it's the test that needs fixing but that's still a good outcome.

  4. TDD helps with coding constipation. When faced with a large and daunting piece of work ahead writing the tests will get you moving quickly.

  5. Unit Tests help you really understand the design of the code you are working on. Instead of writing code to do something, you are starting by outlining all the conditions you are subjecting the code to and what outputs you'd expect from that.

  6. Unit Tests give you instant visual feedback, we all like the feeling of all those green lights when we've done. It's very satisfying. It's also much easier to pick up where you left off after an interruption because you can see where you got to - that next red light that needs fixing.

  7. Contrary to popular belief unit testing does not mean writing twice as much code, or coding slower. It's faster and more robust than coding without tests once you've got the hang of it. Test code itself is usually relatively trivial and doesn't add a big overhead to what you're doing. This is one you'll only believe when you're doing it :)

  8. I think it was Fowler who said: "Imperfect tests, run frequently, are much better than perfect tests that are never written at all". I interpret this as giving me permission to write tests where I think they'll be most useful even if the rest of my code coverage is woefully incomplete.

  9. Good unit tests can help document and define what something is supposed to do

  10. Unit tests help with code re-use. Migrate both your code and your tests to your new project. Tweak the code till the tests run again.

A lot of work I'm involved with doesn't Unit Test well (web application user interactions etc.), but even so we're all test infected in this shop, and happiest when we've got our tests tied down. I can't recommend the approach highly enough.

Add custom class to HttpContext

You could create an extension method. Something like this:

public static class HttpContextExtensions
    public static CustomClass GetUser(this HttpContextBase context)
        return (CustomClass)context.Items["IUser"];

Then you would call it like this:

var user = HttpContext.Current.GetUser();

4. Rick Strahl


Strongly typed, code-first configuration classes for .NET applicationshttps://github.com/RickStrahl/Westwind.ApplicationConfiguration

West Wind Album Viewer ASP.NET Core and Angular Sample: https://github.com/RickStrahl/AlbumViewerVNext

Entity Framework Plus



5. Hansamali



6. Nguyễn Thanh Tùng

Email: tungnt185@gmail.com

Website: https://tungnt.net/

Xây dựng mạng xã hội chia sẻ ảnh sử dụng ASP.NET MVC


Mục tiêu của khóa học:

1) Học lập trình web sử dụng các công nghệ mới nhất của Microsoft: ASP.NET MVC/Entity Framework/SignalR

2) Thiết kế và xây dựng web framework mạng xã hội chia sẻ ảnh dễ bảo trì, mở rộng

3) Xây dựng mạng xã hội tốc độ cao với AngularJS/Web API có thể sử dụng được trên cả các thiết bị mobile

4) Các học viên nắm được quy trình phát triển phần mềm chuyên nghiệp sử dụng Visual Studio và Team Foundation Server

5) Các học viên sử dụng thành thạo phương pháp phát triển phần mềm Test Driven Development

Kết quả đầu ra:

1) Đảm bảo việc làm sau khóa học cho các học viên hoàn thành tốt khóa học

2) Các học viên có thể tự tin xin đi thực tập lập trình web asp.net ở các công ty

3) Có thể tự xây dựng được các ứng dụng web, đặc biệt là các ứng dụng mạng xã hội sử dụng ASP.NET MVC



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