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AdminLTE Advanced

February 17, 2020 14:39

AdminLTE Advanced (edit)

HTML, CSS, JavaScript - Frontend















ASP.NET Core MVC: ASP.NEThttps://studymash.com/our-courses/web-development/build-real-world-web-application-in-asp-net-core-and-mvc/?tab=tab-curriculum

Become an ASP.NET Core Developerhttps://www.linkedin.com/learning/paths/become-an-aspnet-core-developer

ASP.NET Core Group Rules: 


EF Core: https://www.yogihosting.com/category/ef-core/?ref=hackr.io (HAY HAY HAY HAY HAY)

ASP.NET MVC: https://blog.udemy.com/asp-net-mvc-tutorial/

ASP.NET MVC: http://www.tutorialsteacher.com/mvc/asp.net-mvc-tutorials

ASP.NET MVC: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/asp.net_mvc/

https://www.quora.com/Should-I-learn-ASP-Net-MVC-or-ASP-Net-Core (HAY HAY HAY)

https://www.bestdotnettraining.com/csharp-online-training (HAY HAY HAY)


C# is the mandatory skill if you want to be a web application developer in ASP.NET or ASP.NET MVC.

Here are the concepts in C#

  • Strong knowledge of OOPS, popular Design Patterns(Factory, Facade, Adapter, Iterator, Observable, Chain of responsibility, Proxy, Command and Singleton ) and SOLID principle
  • Generic Collection frame work List, IEnumerable, IEnumerator, IQueryable,ICollection.
  • Basic knowledge about disposable mechanism, garbage collection.
  • Basics of reflection, Task parallel library
  • LINQ ( With Entity framework/ any collection)


  • C#
  • Fundamental knowledge of HTML.
  • Fundamental Knowledge of CSS.
  • Go ahed don't worry about asp. Net webforms but make sure to have knowledge about.
  • Client and server state management techniques:
    • Query string
    • Session
    • ApplicationState
    • Cookies

Top C# Language Online Courses:

#1 C# Programming Course

#2 C# Intermediate: Classes, Interfaces and OOP

Top ASP.NET Online Courses:

#1 .NET Programming

#2 ASP NET Core (ASP.NET 5),MVC 6,C#,Angular4 & EF Crash Course

Learn to build and deploy fast and secure web applications with ASP.NET MVC 5

Course Link: The Complete ASP.NET MVC 5 Course

What Will You Learn?

  • Understand the MVC architectural pattern
  • Implement CRUD operations
  • Build forms with server-side and client-side validation
  • Build RESTful services using ASP.NET Web API
  • Use powerful jQuery plug-ins
  • Implement authentication and authorization using ASP.NET Web API
  • Use Entity Framework to query or update data
  • Understand and apply security best practices
  • Build and deploy applications
  • Create and customize build configurations
  • Manage client / server dependencies
  • Test APIs using PostMan
  • Use AutoMapper

Requirements to take this course:

  • C# (at a minimum lambda expressions, LINQ)
  • Basic familiarity with web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery)

ASP.NET MVC is a server-side web framework for building dynamic, data-driven web applications. Since its first release in 2009, it has gained a lot of popularity amongst developers using Microsoft technologies. If you want to get employed as a web developer at a company that utilizes Microsoft technologies, you need to master ASP.NET MVC.

By the end of watching this course, you'll be able to:

  • Implement CRUD operations
  • Build forms with validation
  • Build RESTful services using ASP.NET Web API
  • Use Entity Framework code-first workflow to build a model
  • Implement security, authentication and authorization using ASP.NET Identity
  • Use powerful jQuery plugins
  • Optimize application's performance
  • Build and deploy your applications
  • And much more...

How can I become a better ASP.NET MVC Developer?


Practice makes a man perfect..!!! You know this right, it’s universal truth. If you want to became master in ASP.NET MVC, you have to do practice, lot of practice.

Apart from that I can tell you which fields are major in MVC and you have to be more concentrate on that.

  • What is MVC? - It stands for Model View Controller.Model is where we define our classes, objects, properties that will hold values to be displayed to the user.View is the User Interface or the final output that will be shown to the user.Controller is the first point that is executed when we hit a url. It basically forms the link between model and view and based on the url it determines which view is supposed to be displayed to the user.
  • Folder Structure in MVC - Some important folders to look out to, when we create an MVC applicationApp_Start - This folder contains some configuration files for the entire MVC application. BundleConfig.cs, FilterConfig.cs, RouteConfig.cs are some files inside these folders. Please go in depth with these.Models - Normally all model (class) files are grouped inside this folder.Controllers - Normally all controllers are grouped inside this folder.Views - Views are clubbed inside this folder.
  • Routing - A very important concept which is the root of MVC. For eg:- http://localhost:1111/Employee/G... url is hit. Routing determines, based on the url, which controller to call and which method inside that controller to execute. In above example “Employee” is the controller and “GetEmpList” will be the method mentioned inside Employee controller that needs to executed. Also, routing allows a user to create their custom user-friendly urls. These configurations are specified in RouteConfig.cs file.
  • Validations - MVC provides various attribute based validations that can be applied directly over the property inside your model. Also dig into how these validations are invoked on the html page.

For eg:-[Required] public string Genre { get; set; }

  • Bundling and Minification - Again very important concepts. As the name suggests bundling means to create a bundle. Let’s say, you have few related js files you want to use in your application. You mention them in your html page. So, when application is executed, these files are one by one loaded. It means, more server working. So you create a bundle of these files and specify that bundle in your html page. Run the application and your files are loaded in one go. Minification is your min.js or min.css files. They are created once you apply bundling. So please go through how to create bundle and use it in your page. The file for this is BundleConfig.cs.
  • Razor - This is your view page. The extension in MVC is cshtml. Simpler to use than web forms. The syntax usage is very easy compared to web forms.
  • Action Results - ActionResult is an abstract class and there are 12 types of different results derived from it. These results define the type of output that will be shown to the user. Please go in detail through them. Specially JsonResult as this will play a vital role in sending data to view using ajax.
  • Knockout usage with MVC. - One of the many ways to display data from controller to view. The core knockout need not be known, but just the way to bind data from controller to view.
  • ViewBag, ViewData, TempData - How to pass dynamic data between requests or from one entity to other? Hence, Presenting to you these three ways. Please go in depth with them.
  • ViewModel - A concept that binds your model and view such that any change in the model reflects in the view and vice versa.
  • Action Filtering - For example, when the user clicks a link, a controller and the corresponding action method is called. Sometimes, we want to perform certain logic before an action is called or during an action method is executing or after the method is done executing. Hence, MVC provides ActionFilters for that. It provides methods to process logic, in between action method executing and after action method is done executing. We can also create Custom Action Filters. Please go through all these points.
  • Other Filters - AuthorizationFilter, ResultFilters, ExceptionFilters are some more filters which are provided by MVC and useful. Please go in depth with these.
  • Entity Framework - An easy way to communicate with MVC and your database. You can map your application and your database using Entity Framework and call store procedures/ functions using it. Also, any changes in the database can be easily reflected in your application by just updating the edmx. Please go through, how to use stored procedures and functions using Entity Framework.
  • Areas - It allows you to group your different modules under separate folders each having their own MVC structure. For eg:- We are covering two functionalities in our application. Accounts and Invoice. So we create two areas with these names. They have their own MVC folder structure where you can add their respective models, views and controllers. It’s for easy maintenance. However, the main thing here is to know, how to call controller/view of one area from other area. Please dwelve on how to create areas and call/transfer data in between areas.


Programming languages have come a long way in terms of being easy to learn and understand.

C# is a versatile programming language, and after learning it, you can apply your skills to a variety of things. The .NET framework includes hundreds of libraries for working with the file system, managing security.

If you are looking forward for Online MVC Course I strongly reccomend to join these online programme . With these training you can build an endless variety of applications, from web apps to mobile apps, REST APIs, and more.

  1. Tutorials Teacher

Key Topics covered in this are:

  • Data types, classes, and variables
  • Switches and loops
  • Strings and arrays
  • Stream I/O

2. Lynda.com – Learning C#

Key Topics covered in this are:

  • Working with loops
  • Building functions
  • Catching errors
  • Managing resources with the garbage collector

3. C# Station

Key Topics covered in this are:

  • Expressions, Types, and Variables
  • Namespaces
  • Introduction to Classes
  • Indexers and Attributes
  • Working with Nullable types

4. Deccansoft -C# Training

Key Topics covered in this are:

  • Key Topics:.NET Framework
  • Concepts behind CLR (Common Language Runtime)
  • Building a standard GUI for Windows based applications using WinForms.
  • Developing scalable applications using multithreading features of .NET

5. edX – Programming with C#

Key Topics covered in this are:

  • The C# syntax
  • C# language fundamentals
  • Object oriented programming
  • The .NET Framework concept

6. Microsoft Virtual Academy – C# fundamentals for absolute beginners

Key Topics covered in this are:

  • Creating and understanding your first C# program
  • Understanding Data types and Variables
  • Understanding Arrays
  • Working with Strings
  • Learning how to work with Date and Time data

7. Udemy – C# Programming projects for beginners

Key Topics covered in this are:

  • Practicing loops, arrays, and structures
  • Start coding beginner projects immediately
  • Thinking like a programmer
  • Using the right approach

You can read here best online tutorials for Asp.Net Online Course



The best tutorials to learn ASP.NET and C# are from Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA).

Microsoft Virtual Academy provides free, online training to help Developers, IT and Data Professionals, and students learn the latest technology, build their skills, and advance their careers.

And during studying courses in MVA you will have tests for each level and points you finish also finally can gain a certificate after course completion.

Sample of my Certificates from MVA in ASP.NET MVC.

Also after learning and finishing tutorials , you can check free .NET open source projects to try to develop a project by yourself.

Below several examples for MVC open source projects to check their ideas in several types of applications (Games, Social Network, Advanced Business applications and more ... )

  • Games applications:
    CHESS GAME : Free open source Chess game developed with MicrosoftASP.NET MVC4.
  • Chat applications:
    Real-time chat applications : Real-time web application with ASP.NETSignalR 2 and ASP.NET MVC 5.
  • Advanced Business applications:
    Applications that manage special business for any organization (University, Company, Hospital, Restaurants ... ), with advanced technical project architecture (Multi layer or N-Tier architecture, Generic repository, Multi language support, Multi country support,  Web services and with Database )
    1. Pro-Dinner application : Application to host dinners with multi language support, developed with MVC5.
      Life Demo for Pro-Dinner.
      Project architecture for Pro-Dinner.
    2. More free open source project with ASP.NET MVC to download



Good Good Good

Udemy reached out to me and asked me if I would be interested in writing a beginner's tutorial on ASP.NET MVC. It can be found here (ASP.NET MVC Tutorial).

I'm also active writing about ASP.NET MVC on my web site (http://www.danylkoweb.com/) with more advanced topics.

https://hackr.io/tutorials/learn-asp-net (HAY HAY HAY HAY HAY)

I will strongly recommend you to follow kudvenkat video tutorials. This channel is really god of ASP.NET , C# and lot more things like MVC, ADO.NET, SQL, WCF, Bootstrap, Angular.

You can also find tutorials on blogpost Sql server, .net and c# video tutorial.

He teach step by step. You will find tutorials easy to understand. He covers all the basics of every topic. Once you start watching, you will know beauty.

Many Windows software solution companies taught this tutorials to their freshers.







Training: https://www.dotnettricks.com/training/masters-program/mvc-angular

Dynamic Themes



Sample Admin Template




Open Source

https://www.findbestopensource.com/product/go2ismail-adminlte-asp-net-mvc (HAY HAY HAY HAY HAY)

AdminLTE Questions





AdminLTE Expand or Fullscreen Boxes


AdminLTE + Angular


AdminLTE 2.4.x Demo: https://adminlte.io/themes/AdminLTE/index2.html

AdminLTE 2.0.4 into ASP.NET MVC 5: https://github.com/eralston/AdminLteMvc


AdminLTE 2.4.0 into ASP.NET MVC 5: https://github.com/go2ismail/AdminLTE-ASP-NET-MVC

https://www.howtosolutions.net/2017/05/visual-studio-asp-net-mvc-project-installing-adminlte-control-panel/ (HAY HAY HAY)

AdminLTE 2.4.9 into ASP.NET MVC 5: https://github.com/c0shea/AdminLTE-Template


AdminLTE into ASP.NET MVC 5 (VN)


AdminLTE 2.4.9 into ASP.NET Core MVC:



CSS: Word Break

-ms-word-break: break-all;
word-break: break-all; overflow-wrap: break-word; word-wrap: break-word;


Bootstrap Sidebar


AdminLTE Tutorials

Tutorial Part 1  

Tutorial Part 2 

Tutorial Part 3

AdminLTE Treeview not working properly (HAY HAY HAY)


$(document).on('turbolinks:load', function(){
  $(Selector.data).each(function () {

AdminLTE Box Collapse Trigger Event Listener (HAY HAY HAY)


.slideUp(_this.animationSpeed, function () { box.addClass("collapsed-box"); box.trigger('collapsed',[box, element]); }); box_content.slideDown(_this.animationSpeed, function () { box.removeClass("collapsed-box"); box.trigger('expanded',[box, element]); });

AdminLTE: Sidebar & Top Navbar (HAY HAY HAY)



See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/46256226/7353073

This works for AdminLTE Sidebar Menu and also for Sidebar Menu Treeview

/* add active class and stay opened when selected */
var url = window.location;

// for sidebar menu entirely but not cover treeview
$('ul.sidebar-menu a').filter(function() {
    return this.href == url;

// for treeview
$('ul.treeview-menu a').filter(function() {
    return this.href == url;
}).parentsUntil(".sidebar-menu > .treeview-menu").siblings().removeClass('active').end().addClass('active');

AdminLTE with iFrame (HAY HAY HAY HAY HAY):






Live text search function:



Live menu search:






JS Box Refresh:


Treeview-menu in Sidebar:


Hover dropdown menu


AdminLTE with iFrame:


Angular 7:




Dynamic Menu AdminLTE



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