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.NET Standard

July 1, 2021 20:08

What's .NET Standard ? (edit)

Viết code trên .NET Standard 2.0 sẽ có thể sử dụng được trên .NET Framework 4.6.1 hoặc phiên bản .NET Framework cao hơn.

Blog về Dapper và .NET Core

mikuam (Michał Białecki) (github.com)

Michał Białecki Blog – C#/.NET Developer passionate about cloud solutions (michalbialecki.com)

Dependency-Check SonarQube – Improve & Repeat

Improve & Repeat (improveandrepeat.com)

ASP.NET MVC Web Application

Migrating to v4 · Bootstrap v4.6 (getbootstrap.com)

What's .NET Core?

Faster than .NET Framework

Microsoft support

Open Source

Multi platform


Support out of the box

1) Roslyn (written by Anders Hejlsberg) - The .NET Compiler Platform

The Roslyn .NET compiler provides C# and Visual Basic languages with rich code analysis APIs.

2) Polly – retry mechanism.

Microservice resilience - Auto retries with Polly in .Net Core.

Polly is a .NET resilience and transient-fault-handling library that allows developers to express policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback in a fluent and thread-safe manner.


ASP.NET Core có thể hosting trên nhiều môi trường:

  • IIS
  • Azure app service
  • Docker
  • Ngnix
  • Apache

.NET Standard | Common APIs across all .NET implementations (microsoft.com)

Steps for Full Stack .NET Developer

Steps for Full Stack .NET Developer | Career Path (github.com)

# Steps for Full Stack .NET Developer | Career Path

1. Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC):

    Hint: Complete through Software Engineering theories. Select Agile as the targeted model from the 6 basics.

2. Software Development Methodology:
    * Agile (SCRUM)
    * Sprint Event Board
        * Jira
        * Trello
        * GitHub Projects
    * DevOps (tools, usage of tools)

3. Database Concepts:
    * DDL
    * Relational and Non-Relational

4. Database Design Approach:
    * Code first (Modern Style)
    * Database first (Old Style)

5. Database Infrastructure:
    * ORM
    * Entity Framework
    * Working with Model Classes

6. Object Oriented Knowledge:
    * OOP Basics
    * SOLID Design Principles
    * Design patterns

7. Application Architecture:
    * Monolithic and microservices
    * DDD
    * N-Tier
    * One

8. .NET Knowledge
    * .NET Basic
    * Language Fundamental
        * C#
        * VB.NET
        * F#
    * Code Smell Basics

9. .NET Projects
    * .NET Standard
    * .NET Core
    * ASP .NET Core (Web Application)
    * Web API

10. User-Interface Patterns:
    * MVC
    * MVP
    * MVVM
    * Aria-Page
    * Blazor (ASP .NET Core only)

11. Scripting language:
    * TypeScript
    * Shell Scripting for Backend:
        * Windows PowerShell
        * Bash

12. Single-Page Application (SPA):
    * angular
    * react

13. Multi-Page Application:
    * jQuery
    * Bootstrap
    * Razor View

14. Software Testing:
    * Functional Testing
        * Unit Testing
        * Integration testing
        * User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
        * MOQ
    * Non-Functional Testing
    * Maintenance
        * End to End System Testing
15. IDE:
    * Visual Studio
    * Native Tools for VS
        * Developer CLI
        * ildasm
        * ilasm
    * Package Manager CLI
    * Xamarin for mobile development
        * Cross Platform
        * Android
        * iOS
    * ReSharper (Extension)
    * Rider

16. .NET Hosting
    * Windows Server (IIS)
    * Linux (NGINX by Reverse Proxy)

17. Version Control:
    * Git
    * Repository Host (GitHub)
    * Team Foundation Server (TFS)

18. Communication and Collaboration:
    * Microsoft Teams (Recommended)
    * Event/Meeting Scheduling with RSVP
    * SharePoint
    * OneDrive or it's Alternatives
    * Basics of Office 365 or it's Alternatives
    * IDE Live Share

19. Cloud infrastructure:
    * Azure
    * Amazon AWS
    * Docker and Docker Container
    * Kubernetes

20. Software Build Tools:
    * MSBuild
    * NodeJS

21. Non .NET Language:
    * Visual C++

22. Integration Tool:
    * Jenkins

23. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
    * Microsoft Bot Framework
    * Azure Cognitive Service
        * Language Understanding Intelligence Service (LUIS)
        * Voice to Text
        * Text to Voice
        * Knowledge Base QNA Maker
    * ML.NET (Featured)
    * Azure Machine Learning
    * Face API
    * Text Analytics
    * Data Science VM


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