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June 21, 2021 21:36

Databases (edit)

  • SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySql
  • Firebird
  • Firebase
  • SqlServerCe
  • SQLite
  • Access
  • Excel
  • XML
  • JSON
  • In-memory database
  • NoSQL

Implementing an Implicit Transaction using Transaction Scope | Microsoft Docs

TransactionScope (slideshare.net) (HAY HAY HAY)

TransactionScope: A simple way to handle transactions in .NET | Code Wala (HAY HAY HAY HAY HAY)

Smooth Transactions with TransactionScope - DEV Community

Transaction Scope - @manhng

Incorporating transaction into your C# data applications - DZone (DbTransaction + MySQL + Oracle + ThrowSqlException)

Transaction In .NET (c-sharpcorner.com)

Entity Framework Core - Use TransactionScope with Caution! - Thinktecture

Migrating from Connector/NET - MySqlConnector (MySQL + MySqlConnector)

Một số phân tích về deadlock trong cơ sở dữ liệu (kipalog.com)

Implement the infrastructure persistence layer with Entity Framework Core

Implementazione del livello di persistenza dell'infrastruttura con Entity Framework Core | Microsoft Docs

darnold924/PublishingCompany (github.com)

Simple comparation of performance between EF 5, Dapper and iBattis using a Oracle DB

AugustoPedraza/orm-comparation: Simple comparation of performance between EF 5, Dapper and iBattis using a Oracle DB (github.com)



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